Wednesday, July 22, 2015

All About This Kinder Teacher #kindertribe

I am so excited about the new collaborative blog Kinder Tribe!  So many awesome kindergarten teachers have come together to share ideas and support one another.  Today, I'm sharing "All About This Kinder Teacher," to let you know more about me.

I'm so excited to get to know more kindergarten teachers in the blogging world! My name is Ashley Giese, and I teach kindergarten in South Dakota.  I have two years of experience in kindergarten, but have been teaching for 5 years in all.  I've taught every grade from K to 8th!  I spent two years teaching at a country school with K-4th grade, and then two more years teaching half day elementary and half day middle school.

I LOVE iced coffee!  I like to start each day with an iced coffee (but I hate regular coffee!).  I can't go a day without checking my Instagram.  I love to see all the great teacher ideas out there!  My Thirty One teacher bag is my favorite.  It has so many pocket, and can hold all my "teacher stuff."

Flair pens and Mr. Sketch markers are must haves for me each year.  I love the way they add color to my classroom!

No David! and each one of David Shannon's books are great for kindergarten!  My kinders always love to see David get into trouble, and they connect so easily with him.

Tara West at Little Minds at Work has been my inspiration for kindergarten.  She has great ideas and amazing products!  If you've never read her blog, please go check it out!  

Kindergarten is my passion when it comes to teaching.  I love to watch my students grow; they make so much progress through the year and gain so much.  The kids' excitement and enthusiasm is so refreshing (especially after teaching middle school!) and makes each day so fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by to get to know me!  If you're interested in meeting more teachers, or joining the Kinder Tribe , click on the button to find more kindergarten bloggers.

 I can't wait to get to know all of you!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Join me on Periscope!

I just joined periscope this week, and I am loving it!  There are so many great teachers giving advice and sharing their ideas, and it's so fun.  You can find me at @pinkandpaisley.

If you're wanting to try periscope, I highly recommend following @MrsAOlson from Lucky Little Learners and @schroedershenan from Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd.  They have fantastic advice on getting started, and tips to help make your broadcasts great!  My other favorites are @Blossom_edu_, @MissJohnstonsJourney, @justaprimarygir, @sheilajteaching, and @MegBoxofCrayons.  Go check it out!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Once upon a time, I had a blog.  You can still find it if you try hard enough.  But for many reasons, I quit writing posts, and life moved on.  Now, I watch all these amazing teachers sharing their fantastic ideas, and I think, "I've got a good idea (maybe even two)!"  So here I am, starting a new blog.  Mostly this is for me; I feel if I'm sharing my ideas with the world, I'll be motivated to improve my teaching so that I have something worthwhile to share.  I also love this social media teacher community I've become part of, and I want to contribute and connect more.  I've been so inspired by the teachers I follow through Facebook, Instagram, and blogs; maybe if I'm lucky, someday I'll inspire someone too. :)

This summer has been full of change!  I recently moved to a new town, and I'm still getting my bearings.  I've started to slowly move my things into my new classroom, but I have a long way to go before I'm ready for the new school year.  Here's a sneak peek into my new classroom:
My walls are a light purple!  Not my first choice, but they'll work!
I love all the storage those cabinets provide!
Student coat hooks, plus more storage!  
So. Much. Stuff.
Am I the only person who does this?  
 I'm heading to school tomorrow for a full day of cleaning, organizing, and set up.  I'm so excited for this new classroom and for what the year will bring!